Small Groups

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Group Finder

"Classic" ClassThe Classic Class is a small congregation of Cottonwood Creek that consist of seniors ministering to and taking care of the members through our expression of love for Christ. We begin our Sunday Bible Study by singing hymns, sharing needs and prayer requests, then studying the Bible by discussing the scriptures. We have a class brunch every other month along with a Ladies luncheon every other month. The men have a breakfast every month on the first Wednesday. We are always looking to expand our group and welcome anyone that wants to join us. We meet at 8:30 a.m. in Room B122/B124.
"The Living Faith Class" - Greer/Mendel/JohnsonWe are Living Life with fellow believers and studying God's Word and how we can apply it to our lives, jobs, kids and marriage.  Our primary focus is Missions, Fellowship, and supporting each other and our community . Come "Live Life" with us on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in room A256. We also offer a Zoom Link when you are unable to attend in person.
1st Responders And FamiliesJoin us and find a place where you belong - in a judgement-free community with real people learning about God. Connect with others who can relate to the unique circumstances of serving in a lost and broken world. We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A228.
713YoungAdults“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬
Agape 11 a.m.The Agape Life Group Mission Statement is to **“Connect with Others; Grow with God; and Serve One Another”**.  Our primary purpose is to help everyone grow in their faith with varied Bible study opportunities.  We want you to get to know others in the Life Group and make Christian friends.  We love to fellowship, and we have a diverse set of fellowship opportunities designed to include everyone.  We emphasize our prayer ministry and make it a priority to support each other in good times and difficult ones, never letting a person walk a difficult road alone. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room A254. We maintain a photo membership directory designed to help you get to know others and find members with similar interests.  We maintain a broadcast email to allow us to stay in contact with each other and keep everyone informed.  Our members range in age from the 40’s to the 80’s.  Make plans to visit us, enjoy a cup of coffee and meet some new friends, you’ll be glad you did.  We would love to have you join us.
Agape 9:30 a.m.The Agape Life Group Mission Statement is to “Connect With Others; Grow with God; and Serve One Another”.  Our primary purpose is to help everyone grow in their faith with varied Bible study opportunities.  We want you to get to know others in the Life Group and make Christian friends.  We love to fellowship and we have a diverse set of fellowship opportunities designed to include everyone.  We emphasize our prayer ministry and make it a priority to support each other in good times and difficult ones, never letting a person walk a difficult road alone.  We maintain a photo membership directory designed to help you get to know others and find members with similar interests.  We maintain a broadcast email to allow us to stay in contact with each other and keep everyone informed.  Our members range in age from the 40’s to the 80’s.  Make plans to visit us, enjoy a cup of coffee and meet some new friends, you’ll be glad you did.  We would love to have you join us. We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A254.
BelongersWe meet in the Game Plan Center, Room C128 at 8:15 A.M, We are a place for women to belong and our greatest goal is to put our trust in God. We are a group where women love, encourage and pray for one another as we serve together.
Beyond Sunday FamiliesWe understand that life is busy in this season of raising our families, so we try to get together and be intentional about building relationships as much as possible. We are a life group of young families with kids from 3-15 years old. We like to get together for bible studies on Tuesday nights and we alternate men/women each week. Come check us out! We meet on Sunday at 11 a.m. in Room A204.
Caton/ChapmanThe purpose/mission of  the Caton/Chapman Life Group is to help women grow in their relationship with Christ, their knowledge of God's Word, and form connections with other women. Our class ranges in age from 25-75, and we embrace the differences in learning from one another's unique life experiences. We have a passion for teaching and discussing God's Word in a fun and creative way. We would love for you to join us in room A256 at 11 a.m.
Christ-Centered CouplesThe Christ-Centered Couples life group looks forward to welcoming you to our close-knit community that's seeking practical transformation through heartfelt prayer and discussion. We are dedicated to growing in faith and fostering transparency in a deeper relationship with God and each other. We offer a variety of Bible teaching to help us explore how God's Word enriches our lives and relationships. Our group understands the importance of mutual support during both good times and challenging ones. We aim to create a welcoming environment where we can connect, make friends, and grow spiritually - so please come join us at 9:30am on Sundays in Room A240.
College & Young Adults (Bechtold)We meet in Room A232 at 11:00 AM.
ConnectorsWe are grandparents and we would love to connect with you! We know what it’s like to be new and would love to have you join us as we work out our relationship with Christ and with each other. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room A200/A201.
Corriveau Princeton Life Group 
Disciple MakersOur life group is genuine group of people eager to dig into God's Word. The teaching, although easily understandable, is deep in content, life application and historical context. We are a mission-minded group looking for ways to connect with our community, especially when we can involve our children. Your life group should feel like a family; one that is there when you need them, to support, encourage, challenge, and grow with you. Marked with a seriousness in the God we serve, yet with a humor and fun-loving spirit that is refreshing, we walk together not just on Sundays, but everyday. Relationship building is key and we look forward to meeting you and your family to start that process. The class meets in A212 at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.
Dresser/PoolOur life group consists of married couples from their 40s to 60s. We love the Lord, and we love each other. Although some of us are still raising children and others are experiencing the joys of grandchildren, we know that we hold adoption into the family of Christ as a common bond. Yes, we may be considered the sandwich generation, caring for our children and our parents, so we are thankful for the fellowship of our life group. While lifting each other up through friendship and prayer, we strive to remain grounded in God's word. We meet at 9:30a.m. in Room A207.
Early Risers Life GroupThe main thing that unites Early Risers Life Group is our love of Jesus and God’s Holy Word. Our teaching is expositional through major books and interactive rather than pure lecture. We utilize other resources from time to time but we’re always teaching directly from scripture. Our meetings are on campus and also Zoom broadcast online. We steep ourselves in prayer with a long list of ever-changing prayer requests. Our group also loves to socialize. We gather at major holidays, Sunday lunches, small group settings, certain movies, plays and special events, especially if at Cottonwood Creek Church. We love to learn, laugh, live and love on each other through Jesus. We meet at 8:00 am in Room A202.
Equipping Disciples- Saturday Evening Life GroupWe are a diverse group from all seasons in life. We gather together on Saturday evenings in a supportive environment to be encouraged and better equipped to walk the Christian life. The class meets Saturday evenings, in B116 from 6:15 - 7:30 pm.
Fino/BryanThe Fino/Bryan Life Group is taught by Tom Finocchiaro, who loves to teach Bible-based, life-application lessons where class discussion is not only welcome, it’s encouraged. We’re a friendly group of down-to-earth followers of Jesus, spanning a range of ages, from 30s to 60s. Some of us have little kids. Some of us have grandkids. A few of us still act like kids. The important thing is, we’re all in this life together, we all realize we can learn from each other, and we all enjoy each other’s company. In normal, non-pandemic years, we love to get together for lunches, parties, movies, picnics and anything else that involves fellowship…and food. We’d love to have you join us. Feel free to stop by anytime. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room A224.
Hammontree Home Group 
Heart & Home (Cottonwood Homeschooling Community)Heart & Home is a warm and welcoming community designed especially for homeschooling parents. Meeting every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM in Room C128 (Game Plan Center), this group provides a supportive space to connect, share experiences, and grow in faith together. We focus on topics that resonate with the unique joys and challenges of homeschooling, offering encouragement, practical insights, and spiritual enrichment. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler, just beginning your journey, or seeking wisdom in balancing family dynamics, you'll find a place to belong, engage, and thrive among like-minded individuals. Join us for meaningful discussions, heartfelt prayer, and the joy of fellowship as we walk this path together in faith! Beyond our Sunday gatherings, your homeschooled children will have opportunities to build friendships with other homeschooled children through fun, fellowship, and learning experiences throughout the week.
Legacy BuildersThe Legacy Builders Life Group is mostly parents and grandparents, from our 50’s to 70’s, who want to do life together and build a legacy for our families, our church and our communities. We study God’s Word together, fellowship together, care for and minister to each other, serve our church, participate in missions, and sponsor missionaries. Come see if our group is a good “fit” for you, Sundays at 11 a.m., in room B122-B124 (Zoom available). Our mission: At Legacy Builders, we study God’s word together and help each other so that our lives shine a clearer picture for future generations to see God’s light through us. Come Build With Us. "God, You have taught me from my youth, and I still declare Your wondrous deeds. And even when I am old and gray, God, do not abandon me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to all who are to come." Psalm 71:17-18
Life2Gether (Mitchael/Yount)There is no set requirement to join Life2Gether. We are multigenerational . . . comprised of all ages, both married and single. Our group enjoys adopting special projects to support through volunteering and financial resources. We also enjoy social activities outside the walls of the church as an entire group, as well as encourage social interactions as couples and even one on one.  Our goal is to build lifelong relationships that reach far beyond our Sunday morning sessions. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room B118.
Logos - The Word 11 A.M.Our LifeGroup is a collection of individuals and couples doing “life” together. Everyone is welcome! We meet each Sunday morning in Room A232 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. in Room A234; One Class meeting at two hours. We interpretively study God’s Word verse-by-verse in context, historical and with good humor. We enjoy class fellowships and serving in and outside of the church showing the love of Jesus. Singing piano-led hymns is a highlight of our Sundays. If you’re unable to attend in-person or would simply like to check us out, join us at 11 a.m. every Sunday online at Check out our YouTube channel @Logos-TheWordLifeGroup.
Logos - The Word 9:30 AMOur LifeGroup is a collection of individuals and couples doing “life” together. Everyone is welcome! We meet each Sunday morning in Room A232 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. in Room A234; One Class meeting at two hours. We interpretively study God’s Word verse-by-verse in context, historical and with good humor. We enjoy class fellowships and serving in and outside of the church showing the love of Jesus. Singing piano-led hymns is a highlight of our Sundays. If you’re unable to attend in-person or would simply like to check us out, join us at 11 a.m. every Sunday online at Check out our YouTube channel @Logos-TheWordLifeGroup.
Lovejoy FamiliesWe meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A216/A222.
Lovejoy Home Group 
Men's Life Group- Friday 
Men's Life Group- Sunday MorningMen's Life Group that meets Sunday morning on campus in A207 at 11:00 am.
Midweek Creek Singles- Wed NightMidweek Creek Singles is a group of single adults that enjoy fellowship and digging deeper into God's word. We meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room A203.
MOMentum-Single MomsMOMentum life group is a place for single moms to connect with each other and support each other through a challenging season of life. Our mission is to learn about who God and what His will is for us, so that we can live out our purpose as Christian single moms. We study the Bible and share life experiences, learning and growing together in our faith. We would love to have you join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in B116. Look for our MOMentum class details on Cottonwood’s Creek Women site and on Facebook. We hope to see you soon!!!
Moorman Home Group 
Movers & Shakers (Young Adults)Our group is designed for young professionals after college wanting a mature study in God's Word and to build mature friendships with each other. Most are single but we have some married couples without kids. All year round we will go through books of the Bible, teach it and discuss it as a group. We also find ways to serve whether it is filling shoe boxes with toys for Christmas or packing schools supplies for the back-to-school drive. We love serving together! If you are interested in maturing your walk with the Lord, having biblical community, and connecting with others in your stage of life check us out! We meet in Room A216/222 at 11 a.m.
Outnumbered By Kids Life GroupOur group is made up of families with children from newborns, to pre-schoolers, and elementary aged kids.  We’re juggling the chaos and business of this phase of life right along side one another.  Rooted in love, we meet each Sunday morning to open God’s word, read it, study it, and engage in meaningful discussion.  We pray for one another, encourage each other, and typically check in with one another throughout the week.  Monthly, we plan a couple of fellowships.  Sometimes it’s just a girls dinner night, or a guys grilling evening, other times is a picnic for the whole family at the park, or even a camping weekend! Come join us! We’d really love to have you, especially if you’re busy and feel like you don’t have it all’ll fit right in! We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A204.
Overcomers Home GroupAn Overcomer is a believer propelled by scriptural truths, empowered by the work of Jesus, and encouraged by those who have gone before them. The Overcomer unites with the triune God and His holy church to stand as an unwavering, unanxious presence.
PB&JWe meet at 9:30 am in Room A203.
Redeemed (Holbeck)We invite you to come along side us to support, encourage, challenge, and grow with each other as we study God’s word. With the seriousness of serving our Lord, we also have a fun-loving spirit, along with a healthy dose of refreshing humor. We have fellowship dinners and class parties. Our age range is from 45 to 75. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room A206.
Rooted - Golding Spring 2025Rooted- Golding Class beginning Spring 2025. Meet A204.
Safe Harbor 11:00 a.m.In Texas we always say that “If you don’t like the weather, just wait a day or two, it’ll change.”  We find that is true in our lives too, our circumstances can change quickly, and often.  One of the things we love about the Safe Harbor Life Group is that no matter what your circumstances are right now, the members of our Life Group want to walk through them with you, celebrating every success and helping to shoulder every burden. Our doors are always open and we want to invite you to come walk with us through the craziness we call life.  We love to study scripture and are blessed with gifted teachers and members who share their learnings picked up along the road of life.  We like to have fun together too, and you can bet that the food at our socials will lift your spirits, along with the fellowship. Come on, don’t make another excuse, just come give us a visit.  I believe you will be glad you did, and I know we will be glad to meet you. We meet at 11 a.m. in Room A202/A203.
Safe Harbor 9:30 a.m.In Texas we always say that “If you don’t like the weather, just wait a day or two, it’ll change.”  We find that is true in our lives too, our circumstances can change quickly, and often.  One of the things we love about the Safe Harbor Life Group is that no matter what your circumstances are right now, the members of our Life Group want to walk through them with you, celebrating every success and helping to shoulder every burden. Our doors are always open and we want to invite you to come walk with us through the craziness we call life.  We love to study scripture and are blessed with gifted teachers and members who share their learnings picked up along the road of life.  We like to have fun together too, and you can bet that the food at our socials will lift your spirits, along with the fellowship. Come on, don’t make another excuse, just come give us a visit.  I believe you will be glad you did, and I know we will be glad to meet you. We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A224.
Salt & LightSalt and Light (a.k.a. “what a class “) is an engaging adult Bible study where we focus on studying God‘s word and apply it to our lives each and every day. We are a social group with various ways we connect and “do life “together whether it’s dinner, groups or prayer partners or volunteer opportunities, we feel it’s critical for our group to spend time, loving on others as well as each other. We try to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously! We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A205.
Sanderson/StangeOur Life Group is committed to providing a spiritual home to every person, single or married, regardless of age or ethnicity. Using an interactive teaching style, our teacher guides us as we rightly divide the Word of God. Through our study of scripture our hearts are inspired, and our minds are deepened in the knowledge of Christ. We serve in the mission and ministry of Cottonwood Creek Church to further the gospel doing whatever it takes. We share our burdens and victories. We love and pray for one another. We will encourage you, serve alongside you and cheer you on. We invite you to join us and be welcomed home. PS: We have a crazy good party planner, too! We meet at 9:30a.m. in Room A200/A201.
Saturday Night Life Group- (Sundaram/ Nayakanti)Verse by Verse study of the Gospel of Luke 2 Timothy 3 14-15 But you, continue in the things you learned and became convinced of, knowing from whom you learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Savage Home Group 
SingleVisionSingleVision Life Group is a group of 50+ singles that enjoy fellowship and digging deeper into God's word. We enjoy teaching time on Sundays followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant. We also enjoy movies together and adventures to the zoo, aquarium, museum, or the state fair or anything else that interests us. But more importantly we are a family. Join us Sundays at 11 a.m. in Room A228.
SojournersAs SOJOURNERS, we understand that our limited time here on Earth is best spent working out God’s perfect will in our lives.  We believe God’s Holy Spirit communicates to His people through His Word (the Bible), our prayers with Him, and through other people. We encourage one another to daily Bible reading and prayer time and maintain that same discipline when we meet together each week.  Our paths do not only cross on Sundays - we are an active group that stirs one another to good works as we serve in other ministries both inside and outside Cottonwood Creek and share in many events throughout the year (community service, campouts, focused men’s and women’s events). Our life group has couples in our 40s - 50s with elementary to college-aged children.  In all our work, fun, and fellowship we maintain our joy and hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we invite you to SOJOURN with us. Todd Dauper and Travis Parker serve as life group directors, and Erich McCollom serves as teacher.  You can text “Dauper”, “Parker”, or “McCollom” to 77978 to get more information directly from us.
The Bible Guys-Home Group 
The Encouragers - Bufkin/Sanderson/HoweThe Encouragers life group is a small group of men and women in their 60's and above designed to uplift and encourage one another as we navigate our way through life. We believe in the power of prayer and commit weekly to support our class, our church and the world in fervent prayer. As we learn from in-depth Bible study, we strive to live out God's commands to share the love of Christ by serving not only each other, but our local community, and both foreign and domestic mission endeavors. If you are searching for a group of Christ-followers that are welcoming and inclusive, please come join us to be both blessed and a blessing to others. We meet at 8:30 a.m. in Room A212.
The ForgeThis group is for Young Men, College to age 30. We meet Thursdays from 7-9pm in the Game Plan Center (C128).
The HuddleThere is nothing like the thrill of competition. Whether you are competing, coaching or cheering someone on, athletics pulls us in and unites people towards a common goal. The Christian life is very similar. We are called to band together in pursuit of a common goal (to know God better and make Him known) – while the enemy does his best to divide, distract, discourage and defeat us. It’s the ultimate competition! We meet at 11 a.m. in Room C128. The only difference is: we already know who wins! Come join us as we study God’s Word and do life together. We’d love to have you in the Huddle!
Thrive Singles Life GroupThrive Life Group is a group of 30s-40s singles that enjoy fellowship and digging deeper into God's word. We meet in Room A205 at 11 a.m.
VestalWe meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room B122/B124.
Wedemeyer/IcenhowerOur group consists of busy families who make time to gather, both on Sunday mornings for learning and discussion and outside of class for fellowship opportunities.  We enjoy family lunches, couple's nights out, men’s barbecues and ladies' coffee dates. Our desire is to create deep connections that provide accountability and discipleship while supporting each other through life’s trials and meeting the needs of our local community. We meet on campus at 9:30 a.m. in room A234.
Women of Faith Life GroupWe are a group of “Seasoned Ladies” who love the Lord and love to study the Word of God.  We love each other and we love our church.  We have a heart for missions and support the monthly mission effort of Cottonwood Creek. In addition, we support 2 mission efforts on a monthly basis and feel that these young, dedicated women are the feet on the ground as we pray diligently for their efforts in spreading the Gospel. We offer Zoom to some of our members who can no longer attend due to health. We invite you to join us and look forward to welcoming new members. We meet on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Room B118.
Yiu Home Group- WednesdayMulti-cultural group focus on studying the scriptures and sharing life together. Currently on the book of Revelation. Dinner from 7-8pm Bible Study from 8-9pm
Young Families (Bryant) Life Group 9:30We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room A202.
Young Families Life Group 11amWe meet at 11 a.m. in Room A212.
Young Married (Married 5 years or less) Life GroupNew Life Group Class targeting Young Married Couples who have been married less than 5 years with or without kids. Start Date: February 9, 2025. Class will meet Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in Room B116.